Monday 28 May 2012

Week 24

Questions and observations;
 - review mind mapping, body mapping , architectural mappings, cartographical mappings , various forms of business mappings [ organizational charts, business derision trees, business flow charting, financial planning, forecasting and accounting] electrical mapping [wiring harnesses] physics and mathematical mapping, etc.
 - how can one overlay these different mapping systems to come up with new concepts, art forms and other insights?
 - how do they all relate back to pattern formation, pattern recognition and the connections made? It is all about Patters and Connections!
Best Bets:
 -review all the research papers that have been written through the Project Zero initiative at the Harvard Grad School of Education that was conceived by philosopher Nelson Goodman  [ believed that arts learning should be studied as a serious cognitive activity], was headed up by Howard Gardner [ a nero-researcher and co- developer and director of Interdisciplinary Studies Dept. who is primarily known for his theory of multiple intelligences] and is now headed by Steve Seidel. There has been a strong emphasis on how and why art should be a large part of any educational curriculum and the neurological benefits of learning the arts.Today, Project Zero is building on this research to help create communities of reflective, independent learners; to enhance deep understanding within and across disciplines; and to promote critical and creative thinking. Project Zero's mission is to understand and enhance learning, thinking, and creativity in the arts, as well as humanistic and scientific disciplines, at the individual and institutional levels.
Project Zero's research initiatives build on and contribute to detailed understandings of human cognitive development and the processes of learning in the arts and other disciplines.

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