Sunday 24 June 2012

Week 29

Questions and Observations:
- we are all born as copies and we all die as originals !
- through scientific and medical progress there has been success in adding on year but little success in adding life to the added years 
- the primary cause of waging is that damage that occurs in cells through the natural process of energy production. Mitochondria in the cell act as tiny batteries and use oxygen to produce the energy however a side product is produced in the form of free radicals are produced and build up in the cells as ageing occurs. The free radical buidup damages the cell DNA which is copied over and over in cell division and all the DNA becomes further and further corrupted and this in turn affects the bodies ability to repair itself efficiently.
 Memory deteriorates in part for this reason as waste begins to buildup in the brain cells due to the inefficiencies that start to be felt with age.

- genetics only accounts for a quarter of ageing effects. what is very impotent is mental and physical exercise, proper eating and drinking and social networks

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